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TAO BIN use Whey Protein Isolate imported from America, processed to reduce its fat and lactose content, leaving mainly protein. Isolate whey packs one hell of a protein punch, even more so than the concentrate. It contains around 90% protein contents which make it extremely suitable Athletes and bodybuilders looking to increase muscle mass, Adults trying to manage their weight or even on-the-go people who don’t get enough protein throughout the day from their diet.

Isolated whey protein, Matcha, and Milk, (Optional added sugar)

*No sugar option available

Isolated whey protein, Cocoa powder, and Milk, (Optional added sugar)

*No sugar option available

Isolated whey protein, Cocoa powder, and Milk, (Optional added sugar)

*No sugar option available

Isolated whey protein, Thai tea, and Milk, (Optional added sugar)

*No sugar option available

Isolated whey protein, Espresso shot, and Milk, (Optional added sugar)

*No sugar option available